keyword: Careers guidance – 13 free books.
These books are available in EPUB format - good for Kindle, iBooks, Nook, Kobo.
Transforming the Authority of the Archive
Andi Gustavson and Charlotte Nunes, editors
First-in-Family Students, University Experience and Family Life
Sarah O'Shea et al.
Gender-responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation
Margaret Najjingo Mangheni and Hale Ann Tufan, editors
Learning to Diagnose with Simulations : Examples from Teacher Education and Medical Education
Frank Fischer and Ansgar Opitz, editors
Applied Pedagogies for Higher Education: Real World Learning and Innovation across the Curriculum
Dawn A. Morley and Md Golam Jamil, editors
Cultivating Teacher Resilience: International Approaches, Applications and Impact
Caroline F. Mansfield (editor)