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On: Dec 31, 2012

Raised: 2,682

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Open at the Margins

Taskeen Adam et al.

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Taskeen Adam et al.

Implizites Wissen

Rico Hermkes and Georg Hans Neuweg, editors

Book cover
Rico Hermkes and Georg Hans Neuweg, editors

Heterogenität in der beruflichen Bildung

Karin Heinrichs and Hannes Reinke, editors

Book cover
Karin Heinrichs and Hannes Reinke, editors

Vodič po motnjah razpoloženja

Mojca Zvezdana Dernovšek et al.

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Mojca Zvezdana Dernovšek et al.

Drawing Education – Worldwide!

Tobias Teutenberg and Nino Nanobashvili

Book cover
Tobias Teutenberg and Nino Nanobashvili

Das Hirn der Studierenden

Klaus Günther

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Klaus Günther

Fit for Industry 4.0

Georg Spöttl et al. (editors)

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Georg Spöttl et al. (editors)

Agiles Lernen im Unternehmen

Jörg Longmuß et al. (editors)

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Jörg Longmuß et al. (editors)
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Mediale Teilhabe

Erich Hörl et al.

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Erich Hörl et al.

Vi kan lykkes i realfag

Ole Kristian Bergem et al.

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Ole Kristian Bergem et al.

Stres in anksioznost

Mojca Zvezdana Dernovšek et al.

Book cover
Mojca Zvezdana Dernovšek et al.

Digitalisierung am Übergang Schule Beruf

Dietmar Heisler and Jörg Meier

Book cover
Dietmar Heisler and Jörg Meier