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Ana Maria Esteves

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Ana Maria Esteves

Differenz und Krise

Anke Wischmann et al. (editors)

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Anke Wischmann et al. (editors)

Bridging Knowledge Cultures

Walter Lepore et al. (editors)

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Walter Lepore et al. (editors)

Proposições e novos olhares ao ensino de ciências

Nicole Glock Maceno and Ana Carolina Araújo da Silva, editors

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Nicole Glock Maceno and Ana Carolina Araújo da Silva, editors

Handbuch Musikvermittlung - Studium, Lehre, Berufspraxis

Axel Petri-Preis and Johannes Voit, editors

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Axel Petri-Preis and Johannes Voit, editors

Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Hochschulen

Marco Rieckmann et al. (editors)

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Marco Rieckmann et al. (editors)

Veredas e (re)configurações da formAção docente

Carla Maria Nogueira de Carvalho et al. (editors)

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Carla Maria Nogueira de Carvalho et al. (editors)

Umstrittene Solidarität

Ralf Mayer et al. (editors)

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Ralf Mayer et al. (editors)
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Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2024

Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha et al. (editors)

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Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha et al. (editors)

Knowledge and Digital Technology

Johannes Glückler and Robert Panitz, editors

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Johannes Glückler and Robert Panitz, editors

The International Bureau of Education (1925-1968)

Rita Hofstetter and Bernard Schneuwly

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Rita Hofstetter and Bernard Schneuwly

Performance und Irritation

Alina Paula Gregor

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Alina Paula Gregor