keyword: Environmental policy – 8 free books.
These books do not seem to be included in the Directory of Open Access Books.
Greening It: How Greener IT Can Form a Solid Base For a Low-Carbon Society
Adrian Thomas Sobotta et al. (editors)
Decarbonizing Development: Three Steps to a Zero-Carbon Future
Marianne Fay et al.
Meat Atlas - Facts and figures about the animals we eat
Christine Chemnitz and Stanka Becheva
Andrzej Klimczuk et al.
L’Atlas de la viande - La réalité et les chiffres sur les animaux que nous consommons
Christine Chemnitz and Stanka Becheva
Fleischatlas - Daten und Fakten über Tiere als Nahrungsmittel
Christine Chemnitz and Reinhild Benning