keyword: History of engineering & technology – 1292 free books.
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Blast and Impact Engineering on Structures and Materials
Ricardo Castedo et al. (editors)
Electrical Power Engineering and Renewable Energy Technologies
Najib El Ouanjli et al. (editors)
Bioceramics, Bioglasses and Gels for Tissue Engineering
Arish Dasan and Ashokraja Chandrasekar, editors
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging: The Beginning of a New Era
Cosimo Nardi (editor)
Finishing Operations to Enhance Surface Integrity of Parts
Gilles Dessein and J. Antonio Travieso-Rodriguez, editors
Mapping and Monitoring of Geohazards with Remote Sensing Technologies
Constantinos Loupasakis et al. (editors)
Heat Transfer, Combustion and Flow Dynamics in Propulsion Systems
Jian Liu et al. (editors)
Investigation of Microstructural and Corrosion Properties of Steels and Light Alloys
Claudio Gennari and Luca Pezzato, editors
Advances in the Monitoring, Diagnosis, and Optimisation of Water Systems
Miquel À. Cugueró-Escofet and Vicenç Puig, editors
Jong-Hoon Kim and Woon-Hong Yeo, editors
Sustainable Energy Systems: Emerging Technologies and Practices in Renewable Energy Storage
Muhammad Khalid (editor)
Zeheng Wang and Jingkai Huang, editors
Condition Monitoring and Failure Prevention of Electric Machines
Yuling He et al. (editors)
Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies
Galina Ilieva and George A. Tsihrintzis, editors
Advances in Biocompatible and Biodegradable Polymers II
José Miguel Ferri et al. (editors)
Sediment Dynamics in Artificial Nourishments
Carlos Daniel Borges Coelho (editor)