keyword: Inclusive education – 32 free books.
All these books are free to read: either they're distributed with a free license, or they're in the public domain.
Culturally Responsive Assessment in Classrooms and Large-Scale Contexts
Carla M. Evans and Catherine S. Taylor, editors
Differentiated Instruction Around the World
Verena Letzel-Alt and Marcela Pozas, editors
Le bien-être au prisme des violences scolaires
Jean-François Bruneaud et al. (editors)
Ana B. Bernardo et al. (editors)
Inclusive Research: Is the Road More or Less Well Travelled?
Patricia O’Brien (editor)
Respecting the Voices of Individuals from Marginalised Communities in Research
Michael Shevlin and Richard Rose, editors
Reconceptualising education support services in South Africa
Johnnie Hay et al. (editors)
Teacher Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship
Philip Bamber (editor)
Ensuring Quality Education and Good Learning Environments for Students
Ana B. Bernardo et al. (editors)
Inklusion im Spannungsfeld von Normalität und Diversität
Elisabeth von Stechow et al. (editors)
Inklusion im Spannungsfeld von Normalität und Diversität
Marie Esefeld et al. (editors)