keyword: Long-term care – 14 free books.
Politicising and gendering care for older people
Anca Dohotariu et al. (editors)
Cover Care Homes in a Turbulent Era Care Homes in a Turbulent Era
Pat armstrong and Susan Braedley, editors
Sustainable Healthy Working Life for All Ages—Work Environment, Age Management and Employability
Kerstin Nilsson et al. (editors)
Ieva Stončikaitė and Lucie Vidovićová, editors
New Trends in Cognitive Ageing and Mild Cognitive Impairment
David Facal et al. (editors)
Occupational Health and Safety in the Healthcare Sector
Alberto Modenese and Fabriziomaria Gobba, editors
Enhancing the Quality of Care in Long-Term Care Settings
Reena Devi et al. (editors)
Feature Papers "Age-Friendly Cities & Communities: State of the Art and Future Perspectives"
Joost van Hoof and Hannah R. Marston, editors
Aging Well: Solutions to the Most Pressing Global Challenges of Aging
Jean Galiana and William A. Haseltine