keyword: Multimodality – 21 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Sensors and Applications
Shyan-Ming Yuan et al. (editors)
Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites: Processing/Structure/Performance Inter-relationships
Abderrahmane Ayadi et al. (editors)
Ecological Communication and Ecoliteracy
Maria Bortoluzzi and Elisabetta Zurru, editors
Sustainability in Air Transport and Multimodality
Vittorio Di Vito et al. (editors)
Scientific and Parascientific Communication
Pilar Mur-Dueñas and Rosa Lorés, editors
Learning Cultural Literacy through Creative Practices in Schools
Tuuli Lähdesmäki et al.
Beyond Media Borders, Volume 1: Intermedial Relations among Multimodal Media
Lars Elleström (editor)
Beyond Media Borders, Volume 2: Intermedial Relations among Multimodal Media
Lars Elleström (editor)