keyword: Research & information: general – 2129 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
A Themed Issue in Memory of Academician Duzheng Ye (1916–2013)
Xiaolei Zou et al. (editors)
Food Contaminant Components: Source, Detection, Toxicity and Removal
Dapeng Peng and Yongzhong Qian, editors
Hana Trollman and Iuliia Samoilyk, editors
Salvatore Cuzzocrea and Rosalia Crupi, editors
Transferwissenschaften: Mode oder Mehrwert?
Konstantin S. Kiprijanov et al. (editors)
Women's Special Issue Series: Analytical Methods
Victoria Samanidou et al. (editors)
Advances in Agricultural Engineering Technologies and Application
Muhammad Sultan et al. (editors)
New Trends on Nonlinear Optics in Nanostructures and Plasmonics
Gennady M. Mikheev (editor)
Limit Theorems of Probability Theory
Alexander Tikhomirov and Vladimir Ulyanov, editors
Chromatographic Analysis of Pesticide in Environmental and Food
Miguel Ángel González-Curbelo (editor)
The Nuclear Shell Model 70 Years after Its Advent: Achievements and Prospects
Angela Gargano et al. (editors)
Quantum Computing Algorithms and Computational Complexity
Fernando L. Pelayo and Mauro Mezzini, editors
Synthesis, Application and Biological Evaluation of Chemical Organic Compounds
Iliyan Ivanov and Stanimir Manolov, editors
Effects of Dietary Protein and Polysaccharide Fortification on Disease
Yongting Luo and Junjie Luo, editors