keyword: Structural characterization – 16 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Research on the Properties of Polysaccharides, Starch, Protein, Pectin, and Fibre in Food Processing
Jianhua Xie et al. (editors)
Isolation, Structure Elucidation and Biological Activity of Natural Products
Jacqueline Aparecida Takahashi (editor)
Manufacturing of Fibrous Composites for Engineering Applications
Jinyang Xu (editor)
Advances in Functional Inorganic Materials Prepared by Wet Chemical Methods (Volume II)
Aleksej Zarkov et al. (editors)
Environmentally Friendly Manufacturing of Food Additives and Functional Ingredients
Fuping Lu and Wenjie Sui, editors
Computational Approaches: Drug Discovery and Design in Medicinal Chemistry and Bioinformatics
Marco Tutone and Anna Maria Almerico, editors
Process Modeling in Pyrometallurgical Engineering
Henrik Saxen et al. (editors)
Advanced Nanomaterials for Sensing Applications
Zhongchang Wang et al. (editors)
Rietveld Refinement in the Characterization of Crystalline Materials
Igor Djerdj (editor)