keyword: Study & learning skills: general – 48 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Zeven hoofdzonden en een paar deugden
Carl Sterkens and Christoph Hübenthal, editors
Intercultural Engagement Through Short-Term Faculty-Led Study Abroad
Priya Ananth and Seok Jeng Jane Lim, editors
Imparare ad apprendere senza soluzione di continuità negli spazi ibridi
Guglielmo Trentin
Internationalisation and Professionalisation in Teacher Education
Susanne Linhofer et al. (editors)
Interdisciplinarity in the Scholarly Life Cycle
Karin Bijsterveld and Aagje Swinnen, editors
Videobasiertes Lernen durch Forschung zur Nachhaltigkeit
Nele Groß et al. (editors)
Material educativo multimedia y aprendizaje del costumbrismo peruano
Juan Cárdenas-Valverde et al.
Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Network System(Junior Level)
Huawei Technologies Co and Ltd
The Pathway to Publishing: A Guide to Quantitative Writing in the Health Sciences
Stephen Luby and Dorothy L. Southern
Building University Schools in Teacher Education Programmes
Bohumíra Lazarová et al.