keyword: Teaching skills & techniques – 148 free books.
Lesen: Prozess- und Produktperspektiven von der Wortebene bis zu multiplen Texten
Maik Philipp and Simone Jambor-Fahlen, editors
Transferwissenschaften: Mode oder Mehrwert?
Konstantin S. Kiprijanov et al. (editors)
Teaching history to face the world today
Cosme J. Gómez Carrasco et al. (editors)
The lives and work of 12 further education based teacher educators in England
David Powell and Roy Fisher, editors
New Perspectives on Educational Resources
Karl Christian Alvestad et al. (editors)
Forschendes Lernen in der fach- und fachrichtungsbezogenen, universitären Lehrkräftebildung
Birgit Peuker et al. (editors)
Internationalisation and Professionalisation in Teacher Education
Susanne Linhofer et al. (editors)