keyword: bioaccessibility – 20 free books.
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Marina Cano-Lamadrid and Francisco Artés-Hernández, editors
Targeting Inflammation and Inflammatory-Related Diseases with Natural Bioactives
Francesco Maione (editor)
Organic Polymers for Encapsulation of Drugs, Food Ingredients and Agrochemicals
Lorenzo Antonio Picos Corrales et al. (editors)
Detection, Control and Contamination of Mycotoxins
Chiara Cavaliere et al. (editors)
Safety and Efficacy of Feed Additives in Animal Production
Lubomira Gresakova and Emilio Sabia, editors
Preparation of Novel Nanomaterial and Its Application in Food Industry
Hong Wu and Hui Zhang, editors
Food Processing and Its Impact on Phenolic and other Bioactive Constituents in Food
Jan Oszmianski and Sabina Lachowicz-Wiśniewska, editors
Biopolymers from Natural Resources
Rafael Antonio Balart Gimeno et al. (editors)
Environmental Restoration of Metal-Contaminated Soils
Fulvia Chiampo and Massimo Zacchini, editors
Research on Characterization and Processing of Table Olives
Beatriz Gandul-Rojas and Lourdes Gallardo-Guerrero, editors
The Health Benefits of the Bioactive Compounds in Foods
Laura Jaime and Susana Santoyo, editors
Ecological and Health Risk of Soils, Sediments, and Water Contamination
Zeng-Yei Hseu (editor)
Ongoing Research on Microgreens
Vito Michele Paradiso and Massimiliano Renna, editors