keyword: oxidation – 60 free books.
Advances in High-Performance Non-ferrous Materials
Hailiang Yu et al. (editors)
Advanced Oxidation Processes for Emerging Contaminant Removal
Gaya Herrington et al.
Metallic or Metallic Oxide (Photo)catalysts for Environmental Applications
Sophie Hermans and Julien Mahy, editors
New Trends in Catalysis for Sustainable CO2 Conversion
Javier Ereña Loizaga and Ainara Ateka, editors
Layered Double Hydroxide-Based Catalytic Materials for Sustainable Processes
Ioan-Cezar Marcu and Octavian Dumitru Pavel, editors
Mechanics of Corrugated and Composite Materials
Tomasz Garbowski et al. (editors)
Environmental Friendly Catalysts for Energy and Pollution Control Applications
José Ignacio Lombraña et al. (editors)
Biomimetic Radical Chemistry and Applications 2021
Chryssostomos Chatgilialoglu (editor)
Metal Oxide Thin Films: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
habil. Erwan Rauwel and Protima Rauwel, editors
Monoclonal Antibodies and Their Functional Fragments in Research, Diagnosis and Therapy 2.0
Menotti Ruvo and Annamaria Sandomenico, editors
Catalytic Transformation of Renewables (Olefin, Bio-sourced, et. al)
Nikolaos Dimitratos et al. (editors)
10th Anniversary of <em>Applied Sciences</em>-Invited Papers in Chemistry Section
Samuel Adeloju (editor)
Plasmas Processes Applied on Metals and Alloys
Jian-Zhang Chen and Shih-Hang Chang, editors
Physicochemical, Sensory and Nutritional Properties of Foods Affected by Processing and Storage
Sidonia Martinez and Javier Carballo, editors