keyword: public policies – 16 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Récits de recherche sur l'eau dans un monde interdisciplinaire
Anne-Laure Collard et al. (editors)
Une recherche dé-coïncidente pour se préparer aux crises environnementales et alimentaires
Stéphan Marette and Caroline Lejars, editors
Law and Order for Energy Transition: Public Policies at the Crossroads
Matheus Koengkan and Fernanda Oliveira, editors
Educación Intercultural y Políticas Públicas en América Latina
Victor Díaz Esteves
Antonio Sianes and Luis A. Fernández-Portillo, editors
Le bien-être au prisme des violences scolaires
Jean-François Bruneaud et al. (editors)
Educazione degli Adulti: politiche, percorsi, prospettive
Vanna Boffo et al. (editors)
Ana B. Bernardo et al. (editors)
Maria Eugenia Cruset and Martha E. Ruffini, editors
Maillages, interfaces, réseaux transfrontaliers, de nouveaux enjeux territoriaux de la santé
Moullé François and Bernard REITEL, editors
Migraciones y desplazamientos forzados
Adriana Palomera and Simón Herrera, editors
The Performance of REDD+: From Global Governance to Local Practices
Bas Arts et al. (editors)
Locally Available Energy Sources and Sustainability
Antonio Colmenar Santos et al. (editors)