keyword: russian – 57 free books.
All these books are free to read: either they're distributed with a free license, or they're in the public domain.
Поэма Пушкина “Братья разбойники” = Pushkin’s poem “The Robber Brothers”
Tatjana Stepaništševa and Tatyana Stepanishcheva
Auditory and Phonetic Processes in Speech Perception
Richard Wright and Benjamin V. Tucker, editors
Contributions to Baltic-Slavonic Relations in Literature and Languages
Stephan Kessler (editor)
Пушкин в кругу современников = Pushkin among his contemporaries
Roman Leibov and Nikita Okhotin, editors
Exploring Cross-linguistic Effects and Phonetic Interactions in the Context of Bilingualism
Mark Amengual (editor)
Social and Psychological Factors in Bilingual Speech Production
Robert Mayr and Jonathan Morris, editors
Formal and Methodological Approaches to Applied Linguistics
Sonja Mujcinovic and Eduardo Gómez Garzarán