keyword: sensory quality – 14 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Recent Advances of Spectrometric and Spectroscopic Techniques in Food Quality and Safety
Weiying Lu and Yanping Chen, editors
Marina Cano-Lamadrid and Francisco Artés-Hernández, editors
Bioactive Formulations in Agri-Food-Pharma: Source and Applications, Volume II
Minaxi Sharma et al. (editors)
Neglected and Underutilized Plant Species in Horticultural and Ornamental Systems
Rosario Paolo Mauro et al. (editors)
Recent Advances and Future Trends in Fermented and Functional Foods
Jayanta Kumar Patra et al. (editors)
Advanced Strategies to Preserve Quality and Extend Shelf Life of Foods
Matteo Del Nobile and Amalia Conte, editors
New Insights into Food Fermentation
Valentina Bernini and Juliano De Dea Lindner, editors
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Quality, Safety, and Authenticity
Theodoros Varzakas (editor)
Sensory Analysis and Consumer Research in New Product Development
Claudia Ruiz-Capillas and Ana Herrero Herranz, editors
Barbara Simonato (editor)