keyword: social welfare – 21 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Social Policy and EU Polity-building Through Crises and Beyond
Anna Kyriazi et al.
Social Policy and EU Polity-building Through Crises and Beyond
Anna Kyriazi et al.
Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of Service Supply Chain
Yong He (editor)
Current Issues in Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
George Halkos (editor)
Sustainable Development Disciplines for Humanity
Shūjirō Urata et al. (editors)
Energy Supply within Sustainable Agricultural Production: Challenges, Policies and Mechanisms
Piotr Gradziuk et al. (editors)
Transnational and Transdisciplinary Lessons of COVID 19 From the Perspective of Risk and Management
Julien S. Baker et al. (editors)
Social and Political Issues on Sustainable Development in the Post Covid-19 Crisis
Oman Sukmana et al. (editors)
Biotechnology for Sustainability and Social Well Being
Pau Loke Show et al. (editors)
Contemporary Family Lifestyles in Central and Western Europe
Blahoslav Kraus et al.
Promoting Active Citizenship: Markets and Choice in Scandinavian Welfare
Karl Henrik Sivesind and Jo Saglie, editors