keyword: sustainable food – 11 free books.
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Regenerative Farming and Sustainable Diets
Joyce D'Silva and Carol McKenna, editors
Prospects Challenges and Sustainability of the Agri-Food Supply Chain in the New Global Economy II
Dimitris Skalkos (editor)
Public Awareness of Food Products, Preferences and Practices
F. Xavier Medina et al. (editors)
Advanced Strategies to Preserve Quality and Extend Shelf Life of Foods
Matteo Del Nobile and Amalia Conte, editors
Sustainable Food Consumption Practices: Insights into Consumer Experience
Giuseppina Migliore (editor)
Edible Insects as Innovative Foods
Chuleui Jung and Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow, editors
Agroecology Now!: Transformations Towards More Just and Sustainable Food Systems
Colin Ray Anderson et al.
Sustainability Through the Lens of Environmental Sociology
Md Saidul Islam (editor)