keyword: teaching – 129 free books.
All these books are free to read: either they're distributed with a free license, or they're in the public domain.
The Para-academic Handbook: A Toolkit For Making-Learning-Creating-Acting
Alex Wardrop and Deborah Withers
Fostering Communities of Transformation in STEM Higher Education
Jonathan S. Briganti et al.
Teaching and Learning in STEM With Computation, Modeling, and Simulation Practices
Alejandra J. Magana
Interactional Research Into Problem-Based Learning
Susan M. Bridges and Rintaro Imafuku, editors
Implementation of 3D Printing Technology into Primary and Secondary School Education
Martin Dosedla et al.
Teaching history to face the world today
Cosme J. Gómez Carrasco et al. (editors)
Differentiated Instruction in Teaching from the International Perspective
Ridwan Maulana et al. (editors)
Clemens Drenowatz and Klaus Greier, editors