keyword: teaching – 185 free books.
All these books are free to read: either they're distributed with a free license, or they're in the public domain.
Diego Monferrer et al. (editors)
The vignette as an exercise in perception / Η βινιέτα ως άσκηση αντίληψης
Evi Agostini et al. (editors)
Educational Technology's Influence in Higher Education Teaching and Learning
Maria Limniou (editor)
Blended learning environments to foster self-directed learning
Donnavan Kruger et al.
How Can we Use Simulation to Improve Competencies in Nursing?
Iben Akselbo and Ingvild Aune, editors
University in the fight against mafias
Stefano D’Alfonso and Gaetano Manfredi, editors
Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder Engagement, and Universities
Natalia Aversano et al. (editors)
Theaterwissenschaft postkolonial/dekolonial
Azadeh Sharifi and Lisa Skwirblies, editors
Jahresbericht 2020/2021 | Annual report 2020/2021
Stephan Völker and Heike Schumacher