keyword: thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNK Educational administration and organization – 125 free books.
Qualitätsentwicklung in Kitas: Wenn Entdecken und Forschen zum Alltag werden
Stiftung Kinder forschen (editor)
Transforming University-based Teacher Education through Innovation
Ida Katrine Riksaasen Hatlevik et al. (editors)
The Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Education and Thinking for the 21st Century
Michele John (editor)
Política de financiamento das universidades estaduais da Bahia
Antônio de Macêdo Mota Júnior
Exploring Creative Wellbeing Frameworks in Context
Wenche Torrissen and Helga Synnevåg Løvoll, editors
Dismantling Institutional Whiteness
M. Cristina Alcalde and Mangala Subramaniam, editors
Samhandling, kompetansebygging og ledelse i barnehage og skole
Eivind Larsen et al. (editors)
Collaborative Research in the Datafied Society
Mirko Tobias Schäfer et al. (editors)
Differentiated Instruction Around the World
Verena Letzel-Alt and Marcela Pozas, editors