keyword: thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNM Higher education, tertiary education – 266 free books.
Open: The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science
Rajiv S. Jhangiani and Robert Biswas-Diener, editors
Indigenous Early Career Researchers in Australian Universities
Michelle Trudgett et al. (editors)
Co-Creation for Academic Enhancement in Higher Education
Md Golam Jamil et al. (editors)
Dismantling Institutional Whiteness
M. Cristina Alcalde and Mangala Subramaniam, editors
Shaping the Future of Higher Education
Lesley Wood and Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt, editors
Higher Education Careers Beyond the Professoriate
Karen Cardozo et al. (editors)
The Challenges of Minoritized Contingent Faculty in Higher Education
Edna Chun and Alvin Evans
Berufsausbildung im 19. Jahrhundert und die Anfänge der Berufsschule
Herwig Blankertz (Author) and Cristoph Porcher (editor)
Karin Büchter et al. (editors)