keyword: thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNM Higher education, tertiary education::JNMT Teacher training – 151 free books.
Die Schulklasse – kein Gegenstand qualitativer Schulforschung?
Kerstin Rabenstein and Lars Wicke, editors
Educational Agency and Activism in Linguistic Landscape Studies
Durk Gorter and Edina Krompák, editors
Die Corona-Lektionen Pädagogischer Hochschulen
Carsten Quesel and Philipp Hirsch, editors
Improving National Education Systems After COVID-19
Nuno Crato and Harry Anthony Patrinos
Samhandling, kompetansebygging og ledelse i barnehage og skole
Eivind Larsen et al. (editors)
Perceptual Vignettes. Phenomenological Reflective Thinking and Professional Attitude
Ulrike Barth and Angelika Wiehl