keyword: Gene expression – 147 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
A Meeting of Minds: In Recognition of the Contributions of Randall J. Cohrs
Charles Grose et al. (editors)
Katarzyna Piórkowska and Katarzyna Ropka-Molik, editors
Advances in the Molecular Mechanisms of Abscisic Acid and Gibberellins Functions in Plants 2.0
Víctor Quesada (editor)
In Vitro Embryo Production in Ruminants
Ignacio Contreras and Sandra Soto, editors
Dietary Intakes and Metabolic Disorders
Gemma Chiva-Blanch and Montserrat Cofán, editors
Challenges and New Strategies on Rabbit Breeding
Rosa María García-García and Maria Arias Alvarez, editors
Present and Future of Personalised Medicine for Endocrine Cancers
Cristina L. Ronchi and Barbara Altieri, editors
Genetic and Phenotypic Variation in Tree Crops Biodiversity
Gaetano Distefano (editor)
Breeding, Genetics and Genomics of Ornamental Plants
Johan Van Huylenbroeck et al. (editors)
Identification and Characterization of Genetic Components in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2019
Merlin G. Butler (editor)
Study of the Influence of Abiotic and Biotic Stress Factors on Horticultural Plants
Agnieszka Hanaka et al. (editors)