keyword: Industry & industrial studies – 678 free books.
Condition Monitoring and Failure Prevention of Electric Machines
Yuling He et al. (editors)
Deep Learning and Computer Vision in Remote Sensing-II
Fahimeh Farahnakian et al. (editors)
Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies
Galina Ilieva and George A. Tsihrintzis, editors
Deep Learning Architecture and Applications
Xiang Zhang and Xiaoxiao Li, editors
IoT for Energy Management Systems and Smart Cities
Antonio Cano-Ortega and Francisco Sánchez-Sutil, editors
Ophthalmic Drug Delivery, 2nd Edition
Francisco Javier Otero-Espinar and Anxo Fernández Ferreiro, editors
Recent Advances in Long-Acting Drug Delivery and Formulations
Hamdy Abdelkader and Adel Al-Fatease, editors
Numerical Methods and Computer Simulations in Energy Analysis
Marcin Kamiński and Angel A. Juan, editors
Wei-Shih Du et al. (editors)
Economic and Societal Losses Due to Environmental Impacts on Forestry Productivity
Noriko Sato and Tetsuhiko Yoshimura, editors
Francisco Javier Otero-Espinar and Anxo Fernández Ferreiro, editors
Plant-Derived Anti-inflammatory Agents: Molecular Pharmacology and Further Studies
Diana Roxana Pelinescu (editor)
Advance in Digital Signal, Image and Video Processing
Przemysław Falkowski-Gilski et al. (editors)
Abiotic Stress Signaling and Responses in Plants
Małgorzata Nykiel et al. (editors)
Vicelina Sousa et al. (editors)
Drug Delivery across Biological Barriers
Tatiana B. Tennikova and Evgenia G. Korzhikova-Vlakh, editors