keyword: Pedagogy – 235 free books.
Open: The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science
Rajiv S. Jhangiani and Robert Biswas-Diener, editors
E-Learning Cookbook -TPACK in Professional Development in Higher Education
Jakko Pol van der et al.
The Para-academic Handbook: A Toolkit For Making-Learning-Creating-Acting
Alex Wardrop and Deborah Withers
Auf der Suche nach der fünften Dimension - Kollaboration und Digitalität in der Kunstpädagogik
Christin Lübke and Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel, editors
Now! Die Welt gemeinsam gestalten. Bildung neu denken
Angela Weber et al. (editors)
Peace Education, Religious Discourse, and Scientific Enquiry
Jarosław Michalski and Monika Wolińska, editors
Interactional Research Into Problem-Based Learning
Susan M. Bridges and Rintaro Imafuku, editors
Diversität und Digitalität in der Hochschullehre
Theresia Witt et al. (editors)