keyword: Régulation – 102 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Les multinationales suisses dans l'arène politique (1942-1993)
Sabine Pitteloud
Research Handbook on Health, AI and the Law
Barry Solaiman and I. Glenn Cohen, editors
Data Driven Decision-Making for Complex Production Systems
Zaoli Yang et al. (editors)
Food Supplements and Functional Foods Assessment for Health and Nutrition
Laura Domínguez Díaz et al. (editors)
Biosafety and Ecological Assessment of Genetically Engineered and Edited Crops
Wei Wei and Jr. Stewart, editors
Natural Compounds in Plant-Based Food
Andreas Eisenreich and Bernd Schaefer, editors
Strategies for Tree Improvement under Stress Conditions
Jie Luo and Wentao Hu, editors