keyword: mathematics education – 55 free books.
Lines of Inquiry in Mathematical Modelling Research in Education
Gloria Ann Stillman and Jill P. Brown
National Reflections on the Netherlands Didactics of Mathematics
Marja Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen
Marja Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (editor)
Interdisciplinary Mathematics Education: The State of the Art and Beyond
Brian Doig et al. (editors)
The Troika of Adult Learners, Lifelong Learning, and Mathematics
Katherine Safford-Ramus et al.
Current and Future Perspectives of Ethnomathematics as a Program
Milton Rosa et al.
Teaching and Learning About Whole Numbers in Primary School
Terezinha Nunes et al.
Attitudes, Beliefs, Motivation and Identity in Mathematics Education
Markku S. Hannula et al.
Assessment in Mathematics Education: Large-Scale Assessment and Classroom Assessment
Christine Suurtamm et al.
Social and Political Dimensions of Mathematics Education: Current Thinking
Murad Jurdak et al.
Early Geometrical Thinking in the Environment of Patterns, Mosaics and Isometries
Ewa Swoboda and Paola Vighi
Empirical Research in Statistics Education
Andreas Eichler and Lucía Zapata-Cardona