


What are Ungluing Campaigns? has three programs that support ebook creators: Pledge Campaigns, Buy-to-Unglue Campaigns and Thanks-for-Ungluing Campaigns.
  • In a Pledge Campaign, book lovers pledge their support for ungluing a book. If enough support is found to reach the goal (and only then), the supporter's credit cards are charged, and an unglued ebook is released.
  • In a Buy-to-Unglue Campaign, every ebook copy sold moves the book's ungluing date closer to the present. And you can donate ebooks to your local library- that's something you can't do in the Kindle or Apple Stores!
  • In a Thanks-for-Ungluing Campaign, the ebook is already released with a Creative Commons license. Supporters can express their thanks by paying what they wish for the license and the ebook.
We also support distribution and preservation of free ebooks through our growing catalog of free-licensed ebooks.

Pledge Campaigns

Support the books you've loved and make them free to everyone.
How does this work?
Pledge Campaigns are aimed at books that have already been published and have been read - and loved - by many. At some point they stop selling, except in used bookstores where the creators don't make a dime. A pledge campaign asks those who love the book to pledge their support together with other ungluers to buy out enough rights to make the ebook free. Think of it as a way to make the public domain happen sooner.
What the book I love doesn't have a campaign?
To show the creators of a book that there are people willing to support it, just "Fave" the book. If enough people show their support in this way, the creators will take notice. They may even offer "premiums" to encourage you to pledge!
How do I pledge?
When the creators of a book have been persuaded to launch a campaign, there will be a "Support" button on the book's page. You'll be asked to select your premium and specify your pledge amount; choose how you'd like to be acknowledged, if your pledge is $25 or more; and enter your credit card information. If tax deductions are important to you, consider donating instead.
How do I support a campaign with a donation?
Campaigns that meet the Free Ebook Foundation's guidelines for charitable support are eligible for support via donations to the Foundation. Essentially, the Foundation will pledge to the campaign based on your direction.
When will I be charged?
For pledges, your account will be charged by the end of the next business day after a Pledge Campaign succeeds. If a campaign doesn't succeed, you won't be charged. For donations, your account will be charged immediately. If a campaign doesn't succeed, the Foundation will use your donation in support of other ebooks.
What if I want to change or cancel a pledge?
You can modify your pledge by going to the book's page and clicking on the "Modify Pledge" button. (The "Support" button you clicked on to make a pledge is replaced by the "Modify Pledge" button after you pledge.) You can't modify a donation, but you can make another.
How will I be recognized for my support?
Pledgers and donors are indicated on the book's page. In addition, when ungluing campaigns are successful, you'll be acknowledged in the unglued ebook as follows:
  • $25+ // Your name under "supporters" in the acknowledgements section.
  • $50+ // Your name and link to your profile page under "benefactors"
  • $100+ // Your name, link, and a dedication of your choice (140 characters max) under "bibliophiles"
Can people contribute anonymously?
Yes. Anonymous donors are included in the total count of supporters, but their names and links are not included in the acknowledgements.
Is my contribution tax deductible?
Donations to the Free Ebook Foundation are tax-deductible. Pledges to campaigns might be tax-deductible if the recipient of funds is a charity, otherwise probably not. Consult your tax advisor.