keyword: language acquisition – 45 free books.
Language Acquisition in Diverse Linguistic, Social and Cognitive Circumstances
Maria Garraffa et al. (editors)
Bilingual Language Development: The Role of Dominance
Cornelia Hamann et al. (editors)
Forschungsinstrumente im Kontext institutioneller (schrift-)sprachlicher Bildung
Katja Mackowiak et al. (editors)
Mehrsprachigkeit am Arbeitsplatz
ISABELLA MATTICCHIO and Luca Melchior, editors
Diversity Dimensions in Mathematics and Language Learning
Annemarie Fritz et al. (editors)
Formal and Methodological Approaches to Applied Linguistics
Sonja Mujcinovic and Eduardo Gómez Garzarán
Language-Learner Computer Interactions
Cahterine Caws and Marie-Josée Hamel, editors
Developing, Modelling and Assessing Second Languages
Jörg-U. Keßler et al. (editors)
Mündliches und schriftliches Handeln im Deutschunterricht
Ulrike Behrens and Olaf Gätje
Aquisição de língua materna e não materna
Maria João Freitas and Ana Lúcia Santos