keyword: molecular docking – 88 free books.
In Silico Strategies for Prospective Drug Repositionings
Lucreția Udrescu et al. (editors)
Natural and Synthetic Bioactives for Skin Health, Disease and Management
Jean Christopher Chamcheu et al. (editors)
Structure Identification and Functional Mechanism of Natural Active Components
Guowen Zhang (editor)
Recent Advances in the Synthesis, Functionalization and Applications of Pyrazole-Type Compounds I
Vera L. M. Silva and Artur M. S. Silva, editors
Novel Anti-cancer Agents and Cellular Targets and Their Mechanism(s) of Action
Simon J Allison (editor)
Marine Drug Research in China: Selected Papers from the 15-NASMD Conference
Xuefeng Zhou et al. (editors)
Bioactives and Functional Ingredients in Foods
Severina Pacifico and Simona Piccolella, editors
Bioinformatics and Machine Learning for Cancer Biology
Shibiao Wan et al. (editors)
Synthetic Peptides and Peptidomimetics: From Basic Science to Biomedical Applications
Nunzianna Doti and Menotti Ruvo, editors
PPARs as Key Mediators of Metabolic and Inflammatory Regulation
Manuel Vázquez-Carrera and Walter Wahli, editors
Recent Developments on Protein–Ligand Interactions
Alexandre G. de Brevern (editor)
Special Issue in Honor of Professor James D. McChesney on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday
Muhammad Ilias and Dhammika Nanayakkara, editors