

Donating to is a program of the Free Ebook Foundation (FEF), which is a charitable, not-for-profit corporation. Donations to the Free Ebook Foundation are tax-deductible in the United States.

When you donate to the Free Ebook Foundation, you can specify how you would like your donation to be used. There are currently two options:

The FEF Open Access Monograph Fund

Scholars write books to spread their ideas, so it makes sense to make them free and available. We refer to these books as "monographs" because they usually embody the scholarship of a single author. Already, over 30,000 of these books are available to download from the database. Sadly, many more books are locked up behind paywalls - not because their authors want to make money, but because the publishers of these books need to recoup the cost of editorial work and design. Many new books will remain unpublished because publishers committed to Open Access have insufficient resources to publish all the books deserving of wider audiences.

As a small step towards addressing these needs, we're offering donors a chance to help us unglue more of these monographs by donating to a special fund. The fund will be used to match contributions to qualified ungluing campaigns on To participate, authors should first work with a publisher to establish a campaign target, and then create an ungluing campaign. To get started, follow the steps at our right holder tools page. Our staff will verify that the book has been or will be peer-reviewed and advances scholarship, science and learning. Resources from the fund will be allocated to maximize the success of the eligible campaigns. If you want to donate to a specific campaign, just donate to the campaign directly.

The FEF General Fund

If you prefer to support all the work of the Free Ebook Foundation, including, Free-Programming-Books, and our work supporting Project Gutenberg, just use the General Fund.

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